Marise Duguay
Painting jewelry • Open year round by appointment
SEE ON GOOGLE MAP WEBSITEmarise.duguay@gmail.com
514 775-4371
Marise Duguay’s artwork is that of a modernist. She chose to paint a free figuration inspired by nature but favoring the creation of memory and imagination. The lively palette where color dominates, recalls the Fauve painters but also the post-impressionist artists.
Decorative elements in her pictorial work also evoke Art Nouveau, notably through the refined graphic play.
Fascinated by the play of shimmers and reflections, she paints sailboats, a metaphor for freedom. They navigate, transparent, on a smooth sea, richly textured in an abundant and skilful range of blues.
Regardless of the theme or the series, Duguay animates the pictorial surface with a vibrant and luminous touch, where her happiness can be communicated and felt.